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Vitrual Village

Welcome to our Virtual Village

We understand it takes a village to raise a child. In addition to offering in-person programs, we will continue to bring you fun, interactive programs online. We invite you to join our Virtual Village!

Virtual Village offers:

  • Interactive programs for you to connect with facilitators and other participants
  • Pre-recorded videos, games, songs & stories that you can watch with your children anytime
  • Links to webinars & other learning resources
  • Links to articles & resources
  • Fun activities to do at home

Keep a close eye on the calendar as we add programs for you to enjoy and follow us on Facebook

Join us each weekday morning on Facebook Live for our daily live sessions where we will explore songs, rhymes and finger plays that will develop vocabulary and literacy skills to support your child’s development.  Songs and rhymes allow busy families to play with language in the car, at the grocery store or on a local trail.  See which ones you already know and learn a few new ones! “Experts in literacy development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by the time they’re four years old, they’re usually among the best readers by the time they’re eight.”  Mem Fox, Reading Magic.

Check out all our Rhymers will be Readers videos on our Youtube Channel.

Singing songs with your child helps to develop communication and pre-literacy skills, and they can also be used to ease transition times, encourage face-to-face interactions and build motor skills.  The good news is that your singing ability is not important!  Your child will be equally as pleased even if you are off-key or out of time. This fun virtual program includes traditional rhymes and songs, along with new ones that you can add to your existing routines.  Registration will be accepted through KEyON. These programs will be hosted through the WebEx platform, and a meeting link will be provided to you.  Please ensure that you include your email address when registering. 

For step-by-step registration details please see below under Program Registration. 

Come together to share a joyful experience as we partner with residents at Woodingford Lodge to provide a fun and safe opportunity to connect parents/caregivers and young children with local seniors through songs, rhymes and stories.  Research shows that integrating generations together has a positive effect on both the young and old.  Spend a half-hour with us - bring hours of joy to others!  During this single-session program, your child will develop language and social skills and our senior friends will be filled with joy as they sing along too!  Simple props will be provided for each program – but space is limited!  

Registration will be accepted through KEyON.  These programs will be hosted through the WebEx platform, and a meeting link will be provided to you.  Please ensure that you include your email address when registering.

For step-by-step registration details please see below under Program Registration. 

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter keep up with all our upcoming program announcements and find resources to help support you and your child's development. The newsletter is also accompanied with a printable monthly early literacy calendar filled with daily simple ideas that you can do with your child at home to develop their early literacy skills.

Program Calendar

Visit our interactive program calendar to see the dates, times, and registration details for each program.

Program Registration

You are invited to register for programs through our Program Calendar.  Oxford EarlyON uses the KEyON digital sign in system which provides parents a quick and simple way to sign in at EarlyON Centres across Ontario and the information collected by the centre helps them better serve you!  (KEyON is the most user-friendly on a computer or tablet). 

Registration Details: 

1. If you have not done so already, you will need to register for a KEyON account. Hint: check the box to have “notifications turned on” to receive registration confirmations.
2. Once you have a KEyON account, you will be able to register for programs listed in the Program Calendar.

3. Choose the “Location” from the drop-down menu (Indoor Explorers, Outdoor Adventurers, Virtual Village).

4. Double click on the program you are interested in to complete the registration (you will receive a confirmation email).

If you have any questions, please email us.